Designing a safe space for interaction among ECF4Clim actors.
Designing a safe space for interaction among ECF4Clim actors.
Simulators Space
- Environmental footprint calculator
- Retrofitting toolkit
- Sustainability Interventions Evaluation
The Footprint calculator is based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. This tool allows users (students, teachers, personnel, families) to assess their performance in terms of the main environmental impacts.

Environmental footprint calculator aims at creating a tool that enable the schools and students to self-assess their performance by identifying critical points and environmental potential of improvement. For this purpose, two different tools are provided according to the user role:
For this purpose, three different tools are provided according to the user:
- Tool for Students of Primary: includes the calculation of the Carbon and Water footprint associated to the materials and devices required for learning, as well as some other activities at home such the wastes produced, new clothing along the year, the shared use of some materials and equipment, and the mobility behaviour to go to school and transport for family trips.
- Tool for Students of High school and University: includes the calculation of the Environmental footprint (Carbon and Water footprint, and also other additional ten environmental impact categories) associated to:
- The activities and consumption of the household (electricity, heating, cooling, water, lighting, wastes, kitchen);
- The Student own consumption (consumption of the materials and devices required for learning, as well as some other activities such the wastes produced, new clothing along the year and shared consumptions at home)
- The transport including the mobility behaviour to go to school and transport for family trips.
- Tool for Managers of Educational Centres: includes the calculation of the Environmental footprint (Carbon and Water footprint, and also other additional ten environmental impact categories) associated to:
- The activities and consumption of the school or educational centre building (electricity, heating, cooling, water, lighting, wastes, etc.);
- The consumption and materials for teaching and learning provided by the school, I gym, library, the wastes produced.
- The transport including the mobility behaviour to go to school of the whole community (teachers, staff, students) and transport for excursions.
- Managers will require data from the students to collect some of the information (e.g. Transport characterization of students). For that, a questionnaire is provided to support the data collection and analysis.
The following questionnaire can be used by schools as a support to collect collective data and fill the information required by the Environmental Footprint tool for managers.
The Retrofitting toolkit provides a set of functionalities to assess the performance of buildings. More particularly it comprises:
- A building energy performance tool that evaluates the energy savings achieved by the implementation of various retrofitting measures
- Visualization tools to assist in designing energy-saving retrofitting measures in buildings
The tool provides sustainability indexes based on a multi-criteria methodology to assess the environmental performance of schools and their community. The tool focuses on seven environmental sectors:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101036505. This webpage reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.