Designing a safe space for interaction among ECF4Clim actors.

Designing a safe space for interaction among ECF4Clim actors.


Discussion workshops will take place in every partner country both at demonstration sites and with wider audience of stakeholders.

The discussion workshops will include an introduction to the theme and a brainstorming session on what kind of competences are needed, when we move towards a carbon free and sustainable society. The main discussions will focus on sustainability education toolbox:

  • What kind of tools are needed for sustainability education when we move towards a carbon free and sustainable society?
  • What kind of tools do educators and other stakeholders have, need and are missing for promoting sustainability competences?

Therefore, the competences and the tools needed for their promotion are pondered both from individual and collective perspectives and from the aspect of the everyday life of schools and universities. The tools will be evaluated by pondering what kind of tools work well, which tools could be used more, what is not working and what hinders the use of these tools. On Flinga platform discussion workshop participants can make sticky notes on their different tools and summaries.

The springboard for discussions is GreenComp – European Sustainability Competence Framework.

The competence framework and the main competence areas of GreenComp have been visualized through a metaphor of bee pollination. Bees, flowers, nectar and beehives represent the four areas of the framework. As a simile of a highly-developed natural system, the metaphor highlights the interplay and dynamics between the four areas and 12 competences of GreenComp.

See More GreenComp

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101036505. This webpage reflects only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency (REA) and European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.